Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is

    The is a comprehensive online platform designed to help people find and connect with local businesses across the United Kingdom. Our directory includes a wide range of businesses from various industries, such as retail, services, and hospitality, making it easy for users to find exactly what they're looking for. lists UK only registered businesses. Only UK businesses can submit and create profile.

  • How can I add my business to the

    To add your business to the, simply visit our website and click on the "Add Your Business" button. Fill in the required details, including business name, address, contact information, and a brief description of your products or services. Once you've submitted the form, your listing will be reviewed and published within 24-48 hours.

    We check every company manually

  • Is there a cost to list my business on the UK Business Directory?

    We offer both free and premium listing options. The free listing includes basic information about your business, while the premium listing comes with additional features such as priority placement, customisable business profile, and promotional tools. For more information on our pricing plans, please visit our pricing section.

  • Can I edit or update my business listing?

    Yes, you can edit or update your business listing at any time. Simply log in to your account and make the desired changes. Once you've submitted the updates, our team will review and approve them within 24-48 hours.

  • How can I enhance my business's visibility on the directory?

    To enhance your business's visibility on the, you can upgrade to a premium listing, which offers priority placement in search results and additional promotional tools. You can also keep your business profile updated, engage with users by responding to reviews, and share your listing on social media to increase exposure.

  • Can I remove my business listing from the directory?

    Yes, if you would like to remove your business listing from the, please contact our support team with the necessary details. We will process the removal request and take down your listing within 48 hours.

  • How do I report inaccurate or offensive content on a business listing?

    If you come across inaccurate or offensive content on a business listing, please report it to our support team using the "Report" button on the listing page or submit it through contact form. Our team will review the report and take appropriate action within 48 hours.

  • How can I contact a business listed on the directory?

    To contact a business listed on the, you can either use the contact information provided in their listing or send them a direct message through our platform, if available.

  • How can I advertise on the

    If you're interested in advertising on the, please visit our advertising page or contact our sales team for more information on available advertising options and pricing.

  • Can I edit or update my business listing?

    Yes, you can edit or update your business listing at any time. Simply log in to your account and make the desired changes. Once you've submitted the updates, our team will review and approve them within 24-48 hours.

  • Can I edit or update my business listing?

    Yes, you can edit or update your business listing at any time. Simply log in to your account and make the desired changes. Once you've submitted the updates, our team will review and approve them within 24-48 hours.

  • Can I edit or update my business listing?

    Yes, you can edit or update your business listing at any time. Simply log in to your account and make the desired changes. Once you've submitted the updates, our team will review and approve them within 24-48 hours.